Tips For A Better Tree Trimming Experience

Trees that are growing in your yard provide you with beautiful landscaping for shade, natural wildlife activity, and attractive colors through the seasons. However, the health behind your trees and their year-round appeal needs to be taken care of with proper care and the right pruning and trimming. Here are some recommendations to help you care for your trees with regular and healthy trimming practices.

Trim During the Right Time of Year

As a homeowner, there are a lot of tasks you want to complete in your yard, and many of them are in the fall and in the spring when the weather warms up. Fall is good for cleaning up fallen leaves, but springtime is the perfect opportunity for you to spend some time on your tree's health and take care of their trimming needs. So, plan to trim and prune your trees in early spring or in the winter as an alternate option. There is a reason for this, as your trees will be in a better state with their dormancy so they will be more protected against disease and stress. During the winter and into early spring, your trees are bare of their leaves and it is easier for you to see which branches you need to trim without having leaves in the way. Then, because your trees are not dealing with the stress of heat, drought, or fruit production, they are more capable to recover from trimming and won't experience stress from the maintenance.

Take Care of Your Tools

The types of tools you use on your trees are equally as important. The blades of your tools are going to cut right into your tree's bark and branches, exposing them to the elements, so make sure they are sharp in order to cut a smooth trim. If your blades are getting dull, they are more likely to tear and rip the branches, leaving loose tears that can promote insect and disease problems. Make sure your loppers, snippers, and pole-pruning saws are all kept sharp and maintained.

Prune and Trim Appropriately

Once you have your tree trimming equipment ready to go in late winter or early spring, make sure you also use the right methods for trimming your tree. Never cut your tree in wet weather because this can promote disease within the tree's new cuts. When you cut your tree in dry weather, make sure to make a clean and smooth cut and angle the cut to be as vertical as possible.

To learn more, contact a tree trimming service.
