An ideal way to get a head start on spring gardening is raising your own seedlings. By growing your own seedlings, you will be ready to transplant them as soon as the outdoor soil is ready for planting. However, raising seedlings requires growers to pay attention to detail and get environmental conditions right for success. With that in mind, below are six hints for seedling success.
Use the Right Starting Soil Mix
Visions of neatly trimmed hedges, green lawns and vibrant flowers may be your inspiration when you hire a landscape designer for your new property. But it's also wise to remember that there's a long stretch of time when winter sets its cold, rainy spell over the land. Trees lose their leaves, lawns lose their luster and flowering plants lose the bright blooms that dappled the landscape with spots of color. An experienced designer will have solutions to overcome the grim, gray appearance that many gardens have from late fall until early spring.